Privacy Policy and Terms - UWS Connected Whole Health

Our responsibility is to ensure patient/student safety and confidentiality.

This website (site) is offered by University of Western States (UWS) for general information, education and communication purposes only.

UWS endeavors to make certain that the information contained in this site is accurate. However, UWS cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information. Therefore, this site is provided without warranty or guarantee of any kind, whether express or implied, including without limitation warranty of title or infringement, or the implied warranty of marketability or fitness for a particular purpose.

UWS shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive, or any other monetary or other damages, fees, fines, penalties, or liabilities arising out of or relating in any way to this site or sites accessed through this site, and/or content or information provided on this site.

Links to other websites are provided on this site. These linked website are not controlled or endorsed by UWS.

The contents of UWS websites, blogs, and social media channels are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to be medical advice or a substitute for professional medical advice, consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always seek the advice of your qualified heath care professionals with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your individual needs and any medical conditions. Never disregard, avoid obtaining or delay obtaining professional health care advice or treatment because of something you have read on the UWS websites, blogs or social media. Reliance on any information appearing herein, whether provided by UWS, its content providers, or others, is solely at your own risk.

None of the information on this site or that you might access through this site may be understood as a representation or warranty that any particular drug or treatment is safe, appropriate or effective. Any information that you might access on or through this site may not be accurate or up-to-date.

If you need medical diagnosis or treatment, please contact your qualified health care provider. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Website Profiles

Persons who submit their photo and profile to UWS for use on the website are giving UWS permission to post their photo and words.

Privacy Statement

UWS is committed to privacy. It is important that users of this site understand that you can usually visit this site without submitting any personal information. If you send UWS email, respond to a survey, subscribe to an online publication or complete an online form, then UWS will have access to the information you submitted. As a general rule, UWS does not track individual visitor profiles. UWS does, however, analyze aggregate traffic/access information for operational purposes. UWS does not share this information with any outside organization. However, due to the nature of electronic communication, UWS cannot and does not provide any assurance that the content of your email will not become known or accessible to third parties. Any confidential information about you or your health that you provide to us via electronic communication is done at your own risk.

The Information UWS Collects

When you access the official UWS website, certain access information described below is automatically collected. No other information is collected through the UWS website except when you deliberately send it to UWS (for example, by completing and sending an online form or by clicking a link to send us an email).

When you submit personal information through UWS website online forms or any other means, UWS will use this information to process your requests. UWS will not intentionally sell, share, or distribute your personal information to third parties, except as required by law or university policy.

Access Information (automatically collected)

Client information: the Internet domain and Internet address of the computer you are using.

Technical information: identification of the page or service you are requesting, type of browser and operating system you are using; and the date and time of access, the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our website, and the “cookie information” used to direct and tailor information based on your entry path to the site.

Essential and nonessential technical information lets UWS respond to your request in an appropriate format (or in a personalized manner) and helps the university plan website improvements. To expedite this process, some official UWS webpages use “cookies.” Usually a cookie enables UWS to tailor what you see according to the way you entered the site. UWS also uses non-identifying and aggregate information to better design its website. For example, UWS may determine that X number of individuals visited a certain area on our website, or that Y number of men and Z number of women filled out a particular registration form. However, UWS does not disclose information that could identify those specific individuals.

Google Analytics Data

This site may utilize integrated services that require Google Analytics to collect data via advertising cookies and anonymous identifiers including the following: Remarketing with Google Analytics, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting. This site may use data from Google’s Interest-based advertising or third-party audience data or any information acquired in relation to your visiting this site for any legal purpose, including quality improvement (e.g., expansion of Google Custom Search Engine annotations for Law Firm Search Engine). Visitors may opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using currently available opt-outs for the web.
Google and other third-party vendors may display this site’s advertisements on other websites.

Optional information (deliberately sent)

Email: your name, email address and the content of your email.
Online forms: all the information that you choose to fill in or confirm. This may include credit or debit card information if you are ordering a product or making a payment, as well as information about other people if you are providing it for delivery purposes, etc.
Live chat: all the information that you choose to fill in or confirm. This may include information about other people if you are providing it for delivery purposes, etc. Doesn’t really fit with live chat.

How To Contact Us

For further information, you can contact the webmaster. Should you have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies and practices, please call 800-641-5641.