March 2, 2023
Migraines are typically felt on one side; they feel like a pulsating or pounding sensation, the pain is moderate to severe, and regular activities usually aggravate them. Other symptoms include sensitivity to light or sound and nausea.
How can you tell if it’s a migraine headache or a different type of headache? One easy way to
remember is by using the acronym POUND.
- Pulsating quality
- 3-72 hOur duration
- Unilateral
- Nausea
- Disabling
If you think you may be experiencing migraine headaches, you’re not alone – more than 10% of
people worldwide get migraines. Various treatments and home remedies can provide relief during a migraine episode. Over-the-counter pain relief, resting in a dark and quiet room, cold compress to the forehead, and staying hydrated can all help reduce the severity.

Magnesium-rich foods can help, like dark leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, and fish. Some
supplements that relieve migraines include magnesium oxide, riboflavin, and CoQ10. Foods to
avoid include tyramine-rich foods, like alcohol, beans, and dairy. And, of course, chiropractic
care can help relieve migraine severity through massage, craniosacral work, and adjustments.

Book an appointment with Connected Whole Health’s team of Chiropractic Sports Diplomates and Certified Chiropractic Sports Physicians.
✒️ Chief Editor: Dr. Bill Moreau | DC, DACBSP, FACSM | Chief Medical Officer