Chiropractic Treatment in Portland Oregon | Whole Health Treatment Plans - UWS Connected Whole Health

Diagnostic Imaging

Refer Your Patient to Us

Services Offered:

  • Same day appointments available onsite for X-ray services
  • Teleradiology available for consultation and second opinion of imaging reports
  • HIPAA protected cloud based reporting
  • Closed loop referral and patient care communication to referring provider

Refer a Patient for Imaging Services with Us

Our health clinic offers diagnostic imaging services to patients referred by their clinician.

Here’s how to refer a patient to our clinic:

1. Complete a diagnostic imaging referral form. If you don’t have one, download it here or call our office at 503-255-6771 to schedule the appointment and receive a copy of the form via email or fax. Your patient must bring a completed form with them to their appointment at Connected Whole Health. All information on the referral form must be provided in order to ensure the correct studies are completed for the patient. We also accept referrals electronically through Amplify. Visit the website and select “University of Western States.”

2. If a patient already has a referral form from their physician, the patient may call 503-255-6771 to schedule their own appointment. It is important that the patient has the referral form in their possession when scheduling their appointment so they are able to give our scheduling staff the correct information directly from the form.